My one sentence summary; Rebuild or reshape your self-image.

This book has been mentioned in so many things I listen to, that I’m not sure why I didn’t pick it up sooner. I guess I wasn’t ready to hear it until now, and I feel it’s underrated.

It’s all about the thoughts going on inside our mind, and demonstrates that we can, and how, to start changing them.

It was first released in 1960, and is an accumulation of the research done by Maxwell personally, and also during and post the World Wars.  Maxwell Maltz has collated the information and transformed it into a guide to help self-aware people retrain their minds.  Rebuild or reshape their self image.

I started reading this book during my “30 days of meditation” that I posted on my Facebook profile.  Which was very apt timing to be building the habit. 

I made the commitment to myself, and to be accountable by posting publicly daily, to meditate everyday for 30 days, increasing the time by 1 minute every day.
– Day 1 = 1 minute.
– Day 30 = 30 minutes.

I’m still going with the meditation, and now using it to help with content from the book.

A large part of the rewiring process in the mind, focuses on daily meditation, and constant self-awareness, and correction of thinking and behaviour.

This is a must read, and re-read book.  I’m going through it again at the moment.

A short video book summary

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Psycho-Cybernetics - Maxwell Maltz - Audiobook Cover